About Camp

Ferrwood Music Camp is located in the Valley of Drums PA. It is a two-week camp dedicated to providing a quality music program that is affordable and family-friendly. The founder of our camp, Father Joseph Ferrara, passed away in December of 2004; however, his vision of providing a quality music program lives on. Those of us lucky enough to have studied under this amazing individual can remember him saying, “If you become a great musician, that is a bonus, I’m here to make you a good person” Father knew that the serious study of music produces individuals who are focused, creative and have the ability to work collaboratively.
At Ferrwood Music Camp we focus on the whole person and create programs to help young musicians realize their God-given potential. We take great strides to provide an atmosphere that embodies respect, tolerance, and cooperation. At Ferrwood we are a family who works together for the betterment of the individual child while emphasizing the importance of working in harmony with others.
The camp focuses on band instruments, chorus, and young beginners who have never played an instrument but would like to learn.
Eligibility (grade levels reflect the completion of that grade in the current school year)
Grades 5-12: Day Camp: 9 am - 9 pm: Includes lunch, dinner, snack, recreation and activities ($290 per week)
Note: Campers can leave before 9:00 P.M. any day they desire
Grades 6-12: Resident Camp: Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, recreation, and activities ($325 per week)